martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Presentation#2 english 4

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Weapons of mass destruction

Weapons of mass destruction are very dangerous, and risky. Everybody needs to be careful with these weapons. There are many kinds of weapons such as chemical, bilogical, radiological and nuclear.

Weapons of mass destruction are very powerful machines, they can kill large numbers of humans, or damage the biosphere in general, and cause serious disasterss in a very large zone.

There are types of these weapons like the chemical, this kind of weapon use the toxic propities of chemical substances, in a explotion this weapon can produce physical and physiological effects on people.

Anohter of these kinds of weapons are the nuclear. these are one of the most powerful. They are made by uranium, plutonium, polonium and other components. In an explotion can be destroyed a very big area around the objetive of the bomb.The detonation creats electromagnetic pulse radiation, ionzation of the atmosphere and other terrible consequences.

Everybody knows about the dangers of these weapons, and scientists continue improving these weapon of mass destruction for the future if there are going war.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010


Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Global warming

Nowadays in our planet, is affecting all the human life, animals and everything that has life. I refer about the global warming that is a very big problem in this time and many people do not care.
Human kind seems like is happening nothing, but it is the contrary because our planet is in troubled. we are destroying the world, and for this reason everybody can see many changes in the world.
Some disadvantages that are appearing, because of this big problem are the climate changes. More natural disasters like stronger hurricanes, the increase of the level of the sea also, the disappearance of coast, endangerend species, and many other problems.
All of those many things that happen are creat by man, but they do not do anything to save our world. Politicians continous wasting money in other things and they need to do whatever to stop this problem.
We need to do something right now to stop the global warming because if it continous increase, could happen a very bad things. We have the solutions in our hands, we can do it, we have the technology to solve this.

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Human Rights

Human rights nowadays are very important and there are many articles or laws of the United Nations of ther Human Rights that protects the freedom, and other rights of the people. There are violations and abuses on this issues.

Human rights are one of the most important things to live in this world because, everybody has the right to freedom that it is very important for the people around all the world.

In some countries the human rights are violated; in others not. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights has thirty articles to protet people(human rights). One of the articles that called my attention says: "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights".

Everybody needs human rights; many people do not apreciate them, because they take them for granted. There are people without freedom in other countries, it is very cruel, but my question is, who does not want to be free like a bird?